Monday, February 13, 2012

Passivation –Sterilize Your Tools

When you are working in the medical field, cleanliness is not just next to godliness; it's everything. Back before sterilization became a normal part of practicing medicine, more people died of infection from treatment than from their original injuries or diseases. These days sterilization is pretty commonplace, and almost reflexive. Passivation is a part of the process that helps with medical device cleaning. This is a process that forms a protective coating over metal in order to strengthen it, improve its appearance and give it a smoother surface, which in turn gives bacteria less places to hide. It can, more importantly, prevent infection and promote sterility.
The most common passivation technique is to use metal oxides to form a protective layer over the metal instrument in order to protect it from corrosion, to strengthen it against damage, and to make it easier to sterilize. This is an important step in medical device cleaning to make sure that the instruments being used are effectively disinfected every time you clean them. This ensures that the next patient the instruments used on is not exposed to the germs and other contaminants that the previous patient was carrying. Sterility is extremely important in the control and prevention of disease.
Passivation is not only important for the health of the patients, but also for the health of the physicians and medical personnel such as nurses and medical assistants. These are the people who are handling these tools all day who have to perform the actual medical device cleaning. These are the people who are exposed to the most contaminants because they are dealing with multiple patients throughout the day. If you want to protect your own health, then you should be thankful that these procedures exist. They exist to protect you from infection, as well as to protect the patients that these tools are being used on.
Most laymen don't know much about passivation, but that does not mean that they don't benefit from it. It is good that such a technique exists to prevent the spread of disease, and not everyone has to know what it is in order for it to be effective. But if you have to do any medical device cleaning, you should be thankful for it, and for the protection it affords to you. And it also makes it a lot easier for you to keep your tools and devices clean and germ-free to prevent the spread of disease.Go for more information about medical device cleaning